Coming Soon, The Smudge Shop!

Coming Soon, The Smudge Shop!

Anything and everything comes with energy attached to it. Sometimes that's a good thing, but more often than not, it's a bad thing. The good news is that this energy can be removed or neutralized through a ritual called smudging. Smudging is the process of cleansing the energy of a physical space, object or person. It's something you should regularly do to your living space, when receiving items from others or when you have interacted with people that have a negative energy cloud that has affected you and/or lingers on your person.

A variety of smudging options will be available, primarily with fire, but also smoke-less for our smoke sensitive friends.

Note: we will not be selling White Sage; it is a somewhat closed indigenous practice and has become overharvested. We work with nature, we do not take from nature.

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